
Women's power and roles as portrayed in visual images of women in the arts and mass media

edited by Valerie Malhotra Bentz and Philip E.F. Mayes. -- Edwin Mellen Press, 1993. <TY10058513>

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0001 11号館 書 庫 367.2/W 0010007738943 配架済 0件
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請求記号 367.2/W
資料ID 0010007738943
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標題および責任表示 Women's power and roles as portrayed in visual images of women in the arts and mass media / edited by Valerie Malhotra Bentz and Philip E.F. Mayes
出版・頒布事項 Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press , c1993
形態事項 xv, 219 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0773493298
内容著作注記 How women look : critiques of visual images / by Valerie Malhotra Bentz
内容著作注記 A visual essay on women in Vogue, 1940-1990 / by Mary White Stewart and Tamera Bryant
内容著作注記 She works hard for the money / Kathleen Brady
内容著作注記 Women as slaves in gold chains / Mary Jo Deegan
内容著作注記 Romantic expectations : a critical dramaturgy of black and white romance magazines / Michael R. Ball
内容著作注記 Images of women in alternative fotonovelas in the United States / Cornelia Butler Flores
内容著作注記 Woman as cat monster : Sax Rohmer and the Green eyes of Bast / Mary Jo Deegan
内容著作注記 Medieval madonnas and modern motherhood / Judith Huggins Balfe
内容著作注記 Harriet Hosmer, the "white, marmorean flock," and 19th century sculpture / Nancy A. Brooks
内容著作注記 Acts of agression, acts of obsession : a feminist perspective on Willem de Kooning's woman series, 1930-1970 by Cathie Mathews
内容著作注記 Creating images in dance : works of Hanstein and Ziaks / by Valerie Malhotra Bentz
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BA21916659
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Bentz, Valerie Malhotra, 1942- <>
著者標目リンク Mayer, Philip E. F. <>
分類標目 LCC:P94.5.W65
分類標目 DC20:305.4/0973
ローカル分類標目 NDC:367.2
件名標目等 Women in mass media
件名標目等 Women in art
件名標目等 Visual communication
件名標目等 Feminist theory
レコードID TY10058513