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Journal of chemical research. Synopses

Société chimique de France = / the Chemical Society = / Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. -- 1977, issue 1 (1977)-2003, issue 12 (2003). -- Chemical Society, 1977. <ZY00004056>
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No. Library Location Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Note
0001 12Gokan 洋雑誌開架 1977(2-12), 1978-2003 1977-2003
No. 0001
Library 12Gokan
Location 洋雑誌開架
Call No
Volume 1977(2-12), 1978-2003
Available Years/Months 1977-2003
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Journal of chemical research. Synopses / Société chimique de France = / the Chemical Society = / Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Volumes and Years of Serial 1977, issue 1 (1977)-2003, issue 12 (2003)
publication,distribution,etc.,area London : Chemical Society , c1977-c2003
physical description area v. : ill. ; 30 cm
variant titles キータイトル(雑誌書誌レコード):Journal of chemical research. Synopses
variant titles 略タイトル(雑誌書誌レコード):J. Chem. Research (S)
variant titles 裏表紙タイトル:Journal of chemical research (S)
note Title from cover
note Available on microfiche
note Published on behalf of the Founding Sponsors: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Société Chimique de France, and Royal Society of Chemistry (called Chemical Society, 1977-)
note Contains abstracts of papers appearing in the miniprint edition
NCID AA00695032
text language code English
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 03082342
relation bibliography link 継続後誌 :Journal of chemical research : reviews and research papers from all branches of chemistry <SB00008593>
author link Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) <AU00002513>
author link Chemical Society (Great Britain) <AU00002512>
author link Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker <AU00042490>
author link Société chimique de France <AU00042491>
local CLS NDC:430
subject headings Chemistry -- Research -- Periodicals
subject headings Chemistry -- Abstracts -- Periodicals
ID ZY00004056